March 30, 2008

Immediate ungratification

I said I wanted something quick so here is what I came up with.

A Virginia Dishcloth. I've been wanting to make dishcloths for each state Mr. Gnome and I have lived in together. Here's the first. The state where we met and were married. Awww. ahem... The dishcloth itself was rather tedious to knit, unlike our two years in VA he was working a lot and I was still in college and working. But the pattern and it's tediousness, no real reason; it was me not the pattern.

Then because I was so unsatisfied with the dishcloth and wanting a shawl. I have no idea why I wanted a shawl. I'm not really a shawl wearer. I spend my days chasing a three year old; not particularly conducive with shawl wearing. Not to mention what I wanted was a BIG shawl, maybe even rectangular. So what did I make? This little not at all rectangular thing. Mr. Gnome thinks it looks like a fishing net and the balls are pieces of trash that were picked up. He's so supportive. I think it's like the solar system; in a galaxy far far away on my shoulders. I made up the pattern as I went, just a series of yarn overs and knit 2 togethers on size 35 needles. The yarn is from Insubordiknit, which is why it is so very fun.

1 comment:

Meghan said...

With all this knitting, words like abundant, fertile, and copious come to mind!