June 28, 2010

So the plan

The plan ah the plan. Well it had been to say something about leaving for a week into the great beyond. And about all the half done stuff I'd be leaving behind. You know the curious pictures of half done who knows what. Well it didn't happen. So here we are back from the great beyond. The great beyond being Vermont if you were wondering. There was:
Swimming in a lake in the rain (it is raining can you tell?),
Accidental swimming in a stream (the bad mom taking a picture of the struggling kid),
Playing in the sand with a collection of white rocks (there was a bit of an addiction to collecting on this trip; rocks, flowers, leaves),
And miniature golf!
Mr. Gnome and I used to do a fair amount of the putt-putt back in our pre-baby days. It had gone on the back burner with a fussy baby, stayed there with an active toddler, and is just now coming back with a slightly, ever so slightly, more patient five-year-old. The Bug actually took this picture. I thought it was pretty cool.

1 comment:

R said...

Looks like an awesome time!