August 1, 2012

Hexipuffs July And Happier Things

 Five.  Five hexipuffs were knit last month.  That is an all time low.  But one has ruffles!  The time to knit that was about another six would have been just as sad.  Attica is dreaming of the day it will be a cozy blanket to sleep on. 
 But I am making great progress on my Ravellenic Games projects.  I couldn't decide between socks or a shawl so I'm really challenging myself and doing both.  Janel Laidman's Labyrinth socks
and Aphrodite.  So far I'm a little ahead on the socks and very ahead on the shawl.  You know I determined how many rows I'd have to knit every day in order to finish by the end of the Olympics. 
I'm also doing spinning but I'm not determined to finish that.  If it happens fine if I only learn something great.  And I am pleased to say I did some trouble shooting.  I wasn't getting enough twist so I switched whorl sizes and that fixed it right up.  I felt quite happy to see the problem and know how to correct it.  Also using the smaller, probably less used whorl, has shown me that the bigger one needs to be replaced.  More learning!

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