November 27, 2012

Chickpea and Waffle

The insides of the Thanksgiving flaky Pastries was roasted cauliflower and roasted garlic all pureed into some amazing yumminess that was very hard not to attack with a spoon.  Mr. Gnome commented that it would be good on Chicken and Waffle.  Now I have to confess I thought Chicken and Waffle was  joke for years.  It's just such an absurd combination.  Or at least in my head. 
There was a bit of the cauliflower/garlic roasted yum left over so I took Mr. Gnome up on his crazed waffle ideas.  Cornbread waffle with chickpea cutlets.  I had a couple bunches of Bok Choy and I thought some caramelized onions would round out the meal.  It was pretty good.  A little more meat and potato than I like; though without any meat or potato but you know.  But tasty and very filling, I only ate half last night and had the rest just now for breakfast. 

1 comment:

jcg said...

Looks good.