November 15, 2012

Storyteller in the Hoodie

I got Mr. Gnome to take pictures this morning before my hair had even dried!  I was informed that I look like a crazed zombie in the picture with my hood down.  So we're not using that.
 Here it is in all it's glory.  The Storyteller Hoodie.  It's a nice bit of something to keep you just a tad bit warmer.  The yarn is KnitPicks Wool of the Andes.  I made the body about two inches shorter than it calls for. 
See that plant behind me?  It has some wonderful colors.  At the tips it's green then as it goes closer to the base of the branch there is this great progression from dark purple, dark red, bright red, orange all the way to bright yellow.  It's pretty cool.  I admire it out the window while I wash dishes. 
Amazingly I found six matching buttons in my button jar that were the right size and are just in general perfect.  One must get excited about the little things.

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