January 26, 2008


I started Arwen.

It is going well so far. The above is the beginning of the left front panel which soon will morph into the sleeve. I actually need to rip out about four rows on this, it's too long. One of those times when you measure and knit and measure and knit and it seems to take forever for you to get to where you need to be then all of a sudden you've gone too far. I'm using Cascade 220, my first time. It's nice and soft. When I was picking out the yarn I kept thinking, I really shouldn't do blue, everything I wear is blue, but this is the yarn that said it should be Arwen. So it shall.

I also started some convertible mittens

I've wanted to make myself some convertible mittens for quite some time. This is the Broad Street Mittens pattern from Knitty. Looks like some kind of sadistic tourcher device for your hands. I've just started the pinky finger. The finger on mittens seems to be the most fiddly thing I've ever knit. blech.

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